Friday, November 22, 2019

Top Cover Letter Tips for 2019 [21+ Examples]

Top Cover Letter Tips for 2019 21+ Examples Top Cover Letter Tips for 2019 21+ Examples 21 Cover Letter Tips for 2019 (and Beyond)Creating an effective application that catches the hiring managers eye is a challenge. Thats why weve compiled this list of titelbild letter writing tips to help you supercharge your job hunt.Tips for Writing a Cover LetterThe FundamentalsLets abflug at the beginning. Before you set pen to paper (or more likely, start typing), you have some research to do. But dont fret - as long as you have a working internet connection, youre all set.1. Ditch To Whom It May Concern and Dear Sir/MadamNo one appreciates receiving mail from someone who hasnt bothered to find out their name. How do you feel when you receive mail addressed To the tenant or To the homeowner? It probably doesnt make your eyes light up with excitement. In fact, such mail likely earns a one-way ticket to your recycling bin.Dont choose the lazy option of using To Whom It May Concern or Dear Sir/Ma dam unless you want to be overlooked.Its the same for recruiters and hiring managers. Dont choose the lazy option of using To Whom It May Concern or Dear Sir/Madam unless you want to be overlooked.Read our complete guide to addressing a cover letter for more details.Instead, find out the hiring managers name. If its bedrngnis specified in the job posting, check the companys website. With a little bit of luck, you should be able to find it.If all else fails, call the company and ask for the right name - they should be happy to give it to you if you say youre addressing a job application.Dont forget, if youre sending out a physical copy of your application, address it to the hiring manager so that itll get to the right person.2. Find Out How the Company WritesA surefire way of showing youre a good fit for a company is by writing your cover letter in a way that is similar to the content it has written in the past. You can learn how a company writes (i.e., its tone and style) by looking at its website - perhaps it has a blog that you can check out to get a better idea.If the company keeps its language formal, then you should too in your cover letter. If its writing is more casual, then consider making your cover letter a little less serious.3. Research the CompanyRead up on the companys history, its goals, and the challenges its facing. This will give you some insight into what its looking for in potential candidates, and you can tailor your cover letter to satisfy the companys needs.As an added bonus, you can demonstrate your newfound knowledge in the interview to earn some brownie points.Not sure what to ask in the interview? Thinking of a few questions you can ask the interviewer indicates thoughtfulness, which hiring managers will appreciate.4. Match Your Cover Letter to Your ResumeThere are dozens of eye-catching cover letter templates available online.If you choose one, use a matching resume template so that your cover letter and resume complement each other aesthetically. This will make them stand out to recruiters.5. Double-Check the Companys Application RequirementsRead through all the requirements in the job posting - you might miss something vital otherwise. And given hundreds of applications will be sent in for the average opening, missing even a small detail might binnensee your application trashed. Some examples includeA required format for the schmelzglas subject line (e.g., Name - Position)All necessary attachments, such as your resume, cover letter, and portfolio. Remember to include your name in the filenames for all attachments (e.g., Naomi Smalls - Cover Letter.pdf)6. Review Cover Letter Examples from Your IndustryNo one expects you to write the perfect cover letter completely on your own. Before you start, gain some inspiration by checking out a few high-quality cover letter samples and noting what they do well.You will notice that the writers of unterstellung cover letters usenumbers to quantify their work successact ion verbs to electrify their writingspecific job duties to make things clear for hiring managersIf youre changing fields and writing your career change cover letter, review samples from your new field so that you have an idea of what employers expect7. Write a Unique Cover Letter for Each ApplicationYou need a tailored cover letter for each application. Think about it each company is different, so every role requires something unique.If a hiring manager suspects that youve sent them a generic cover letter, your application will be headed straight for the trash.Your cover letter needs to persuade the hiring manager that youre passionate about the job theyre posting, so youll have to create a custom one for each application youre sending out. If a hiring manager suspects that youve sent them a generic cover letter, your application will be headed straight for the trash.Cover Letter Advice (Content Ideas)Once youre ready to start writing, these tips for writing a cover letter will ensu re yours is high quality.8. Dont Regurgitate Your ResumeIt might seem like copy-pasting sections from your resume is an easy, quick way to fill your cover letter, but resist the urge. The hiring manager wont appreciate reading the same content twice.Instead, flesh out your resumes bullet points in your cover letter. Identify the personality attributes that ensured you performed well, as in this mechanic resume sampleIn this bullet point, the mechanic simply described his duties. By contrast, in his cover letter, he fleshes this out by describing how his personality allows him to greet and talk to visitorsMechanic cover letter sampleHe shows that he quickly gets on with other people, and even provided a statistic to prove this fact.Use your cover letter to flesh out the points youve made in your resume.To see more ways you can write a cover letter that complements your resume without repeating it, check out our full catalog of cover letter samples.9. Quantify Your Previous Accomplish mentsIts not enough to list the responsibilities you had in your previous roles - you need to add numbers or percentages to provide some context.For example, instead of saying he handled contractors bids, filed taxes, and found tenants for his properties, this property manager provides some insight into his performance by adding some statisticsThese statistics give hiring managers an idea of your performance and what youve accomplished thus far in your career.Always add numbers to your cover letter to prove you go beyond your basic duties and show your new company that they will benefit by hiring you.10. Demonstrate That Youre a Cultural FitCompanies increasingly prefer to hire people who fit into their corporate culture.Many companies websites contain a page about their corporate cultures, like this example from GlaxoSmithKline, a prominent British pharmaceutical research companyThe lefthand article in this screenshot shows that GlaxoSmithKline values honesty, while the righthand article highlights their dedication to their work.By checking out these pages, you can ensure that a companys culture speaks to you. Plus, you can use the information to show youre a cultural fit in your cover letter.Then, read about the companys values on their about-us page, and be sure to mention them in your cover letter if they align with your own.You can also explore the profiles of a companys current employees, and pick up on the tone they use to describe themselves. Is it quirky? Serious? Casual? These clues can inform you what voice to use in your cover letter.You can even take a look at a companys Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram accounts to get a feel for its style.Finally, think back through your past projects, and mention any that sound similar to the projects youd likely be working on with the new company. Doing so will show the hiring manager that youd be able to hit the ground running.11. Dont Write Im Writing to Apply for Position NameThis phrase is an overused, bor derline cliche cover-letter opening.The best cover letters use a creative opening. So, perhaps you can mention something you read in the news about the company that impressed you. Or explain where your passion for the companys product (or service) came from. A short anecdote like this also has the advantage of giving them an insight into your personality.In this example, the applicant states that they read about the school in the local newspaper, which indicates that they do their research, care about their local community, and have a good memory for the schools successes. These are all good characteristics for a teacher.12. Avoid ClichsThe world of job applications is full of clichs and corporate buzzwords, so avoid describing yourself as self-motivated or a go-getter because doing so wont set you apart from any of the other hundreds of job seekers.And nothing screams unoriginality more than proudly proclaiming that you think outside the box, which most applicants will claim somewh ere on their letter.Recruiters have heard it all before - multiple times a day.Thus, aim for originality. After all, nothing says youd bring a new approach to the role than a creative cover letter.13. Pepper Action Verbs Throughout Your Cover LetterAction verbs help you show leadership, talent, and initiative in the way you performed your duties at previous companies.Compare the following examplesMet with representatives of other companies to improve relationships.Cultivated relationships with representatives of other companies.Cultivated is a better choice than met because it shows you had a much more active role in forming and maintaining relationships with other businesses. Met simply implies that you were present in meetings but doesnt reveal how you accomplished anything.For more effective (and job-landing) actions verbs, weve put together the longest action verb list in the universe.14. Mention the Job TitleDespite the advice in Tip No. 11, you should mention which role youre seeking somewhere in your cover letter. After all, the hiring manager might be filling several positions.If youre sending your application by email, include the job title in the subject (e.g., Vanessa Mateo - Makeup Artist).On the other hand, if youre sending out a physical copy of your application, you can put the job title on its own line before the greetingRE Application for Automotive Technician15. Employ a Call-To-ActionA call-to-action does exactly what you would think - it calls on someone to act. In the case of a cover letter, youre calling on the hiring manager to contact you. Give them an open invitation to get in touchPlease feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience.And repeat your phone number and email address here so that the hiring manager doesnt have to search for itI can be reached at 415-253-1470 or use more than one email address and one phone number on your application. Otherwise, youll confuse the hiring manager.Finalizing Your Cover Letter Guidelines SuggestionsKey to a good cover letter are the details ensure youve checked for consistency and have proofread it several times.16. Keep It to a Single Page MaxHiring managers are pressed for time, and they have no intention of reading a multi-page cover letter. Keep yours to one page. But dont fill the page 300500 words is about the sweet spot.Ever wondered exactly how long a cover letter should be? We answer that age old question and more in our in-depth guide to cover letter length.17. Write Numbers ConsistentlyThe rules on how to write numbers are simple numbers between one and nine should be spelled out. Anything above 10 should be typed in numerals.Remember to add a comma after every third number from the right to make them easier to read (e.g., 1,701 and 2,047).18. Use an Eye-Catching nachschrift (P.S.)Over 90% of readers read the P.S. before the letter because its short and digestible. You can use this fact to your advantage by summarizing why y oud be a great fit at the company in your P.S.Heres an exampleP.S. Im looking forward to discussing how I achieved a 17% decrease in customer complaints with you.19. Pick a Suitable FontWriting a cover letter is not the time to get adventurous with your font selections. Stick to a widely accepted font style, such as Times New Roman or Arial.Dont go below a 12-point font size either. Otherwise, the hiring manager will strain their eyes trying to read your application (which will not leave a good impression).Our tips on resume font styles and sizes also apply to cover letters.20. Clarify Your AbbreviationsYou may have used a particular abbreviation so much in a previous role that using it has become second nature. But dont assume that everyone will understand it. Luckily, theres an easy fix dont use abbreviationsThis is particularly vital in complex industries, like law, IT, or medicine, where LLD might mean late-life depression or leg length differential()21. Proofread, Proofread, Pr oofread (Then Proofread Again)Youd be surprised how easily a typo can slip into your cover letter. To catch them all, you need to go through your cover letter not just once, but several times. And enlist the help of a friend to proofread it again.Long sentences will make the hiring managers brain switch off, so avoid them.If you tend to use complex words instead of plain, simple language, use Readable or Hemingway, which will tell you if your text is hard to read.Long sentences will make the hiring managers brain switch off, so avoid them.ConclusionThese tips are sure to turbocharge your cover letter and your overall application. But they arent the be-all and end-all of cover letter writing. Check out our full guide to writing a cover letter for a complete walkthrough.And if youre pushed for time, you can use our simple and free-to-use cover letter builder to generate a high-quality cover letter in minutes.

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