Monday, December 30, 2019

Six strategies for managing a professional crisis

Six strategies for managing a professional crisisSix strategies for managing a professional crisisAt some point in your career, you might be at the unfortunateend of aprofessional crisis. Lets say you accidentally sent out a mass email. Or worse, you committed the ultimate career suicide and hooked up with your boss. Whether it be a small or large faux pas, here are six damage control tips from two PR prosSay somethingThe first 48 hours of a crisis is critical. To ensure you remain in control of how the story is told, first acknowledge the situation. Next, youll start taking the necessary steps to shape the outcome.Create a strong response in a firm clear languageUsing weak words or phrases such as maybe and just strip your authority and make you seem powerless. Manyspeech expertsrecommend eliminating those words from your vocabulary altogether. Replace these phrases with I think, I believe, and I feel. For even stronger options use Im confident, Im convinced, and I expect.Build con sensus among natural allies potential rivalsYou may have to dig but in every situation, there are at least a handful of things everyone can agree on. Find those few things and use them as a tool to bring people to your side.Drive the storyTheres always an informationvacuum surrounding every story. Fill it or it will be filled for you. Set the record straight by addressing misinformed parties of your side of the story.Dont lie or spin the truthTheres nothing is worse than being caught in a lie. fruchtwein people have a short memory, and can be pretty forgiving if you are open and honest. Share as much information as possible todemonstrate credibility.Have a planBe prepared to communicate quickly over all forms of social and traditional media. If you usually find yourself lost for words, jot down a few talking points. This will make it easier to get your point across in a clear and concise way in high-stress situations. Have pre-developed answers to awkward questions will show that y ou are grace under pressure. Hesitation is death.Joy Lammie is a crisis communications expert with more than 6 years of experience in the Washington, DC social and political scene.Michael Hardaway is a crisis communications advisor who guides professional athletes, policymakers, and corporate leaders.This article first appeared on Capitol Standard.close dialogAdvertisement close dialog/* effects for .bx-campaign-1012255 *//* custom css .bx-campaign-1012255 */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012255.bx-type-agilityzone .bx-close z-index 2-ms-keyframes bx-anim-1012255-spin from -ms-transform rotate(0deg) to -ms-transform rotate(360deg) -moz-keyframes bx-anim-1012255-spin from -moz-transform rotate(0deg) to -moz-transform rotate(360deg) -webkit-keyframes bx-anim-1012255-spin from -webkit-transform rotate(0deg) to -webkit-transform rotate(360deg) keyframes bx-anim-1012255-spin from transform rotate(0deg) to transform rotate(360deg) bx-close-inside-1012255 top 0 right 0 /* KD - Remove padding from video wrapper and set height to 100% */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-row-video .bx-video-wrapper padding-top 0important height 100%.bx-custombx-campaign-1012255 bx-creative-1012255 .bx-wrap height auto/* KD - Change positioning to static as that was not necesaary and here you can adjust the height of the video element */.bx-custom.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-row-video .bx-video-wrapper video position static/* rendered styles .bx-campaign-1012255 */.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative *first-child width 100%.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255.bx-active-step-1 .bx-creative background-color transparentborder-style nonemax-width 900px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255.bx-active-step-1 .bx-close stroke whitebackground-color blackborder-style solidborder-color whiteborder-width 1px.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-group-1012255-AFvXBOB padding 10pxdisplay fraktionwidth auto.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-element-1012255-J0EiS8Y width auto.bxc.bx-campaign-1012255 .bx-element-1012255-J0EiS8Y *first-child padding 2px 4pxfont-size 10pxcolor rgb(255, 255, 255)text-transform uppercasebackground-color rgb(0, 0, 0)background-color rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.34)

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Reasons Not to Give Two Weeks Notice

Reasons bedrngnis to Give Two Weeks NoticeReasons Not to Give Two Weeks NoticeThere are plenty of good reasons to quit your job. In a perfect world, youd always quit one gig because another, better opportunity appeared. Here in the real world, sometimes the decision to move on will be motivated less by exciting new horizons and more by wanting to escape a job you cant stand. When that happens, the first question on many peoples minds is, Do I have to give two weeks notice? The Law Is on Your Side (But Beware) Can you quit a job without notice? Whats the best way to leave a job when you need to quit right away. Under normal circumstances, its best to give the voreingestellt notice but theres probably no legal reason why you cant quit on the spot. The vast majority of states in the U.S. have at-will employment, which means that either the employer or the employee can sever the relationship with no notice and for no stated cause. This means that your boss cannot prevent you from wa lking out the door without giving two weeks notice, even if the employment handbook says that this is the standard for the company. However, if your employment is covered by an employment agreement, the terms of that contract may apply unless you are leaving for good cause. Your employment contract may also require you to forfeit benefits like unused vacation leave if you dont provide sufficient notice. That said, most of the time its in your best interest to give notice, even in difficult employment situations. You never know when a previous employer might be contacted by a prospective one, so it is wise to leave on the best possible terms. It can impact your future employment options if a prospective employer is told that you quit without notice. Think about it from an employers perspective would you want to hire someone who might leave you hanging? Theres also the possibility that there could be financial repercussions for quitting. If youre a contract worker, for example, and y ou leave before your contract is up, you might find yourself paying penalties. Sticking It Out May Be in Your Best Interest I often hear from employees who are working under very difficult circumstances, or just started a job and know it isnt going to work out, and arent sure what to do. Generally speaking, if you want to quit, the answer is to give notice and then tough it out for two weeks. When you have considered all the reasons where staying might make sense, and they dont, its time to think about the timing of your departure. Should you stick it out for another couple of weeks or are there times when you can give less than two weeks notice or no notice at all? Reasons Not to Give Two Weeks Notice There may be some circumstances like the following where leaving sooner might be advisable An employee has been physically abusive.A supervisor has sexually harassed you.The work environment is unsafe, or it is unsafe to carry out your assigned responsibilities.Your mental hea lth is being seriously endangered by job stress.You have not been paid the agreed-upon wage or wages have been withheld for an unreasonable length of time.You have been asked to do something which is clearly unethical or illegal.Personal or family circumstances are such that you need to leave the job.A crisis has happened in your life, and there is no way you can continue on the job. Before You Quit Your Job In most cases, it will make sense to contact the Human Resources department or management officials not directly involved with your grievance to discuss your situation. HR might be able to help you explore possible remedies or accommodations prior to giving notice. In some cases, it will also make sense to consult a counselor or therapist to help you cope with job stress. Do keep in mind that the company cant force you to stay. However, if you quit a job without good cause you may not be eligible for unemployment benefits. (Heres information on collecting unemployment benef its when you quit a job.) How to Quit Your Job Even if youre not giving much or any, advance notice, there are ways to resign gracefully. A conversation is always best, but if its not possible to discuss your resignation with your supervisor in person, you can use a phone call or emaille message to resign. Heres how to quit your job with class, including when to quit, what to say and how to resign via email or a phone call, if necessary. The information contained in this article is not legal advice and is not a substitute for such advice. State and federal laws change frequently, and the information in this article may not reflect your own states laws or the most recent changes to the law.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

The Company Men Is All Too Real

The Company Men Is All Too RealThe Company Men Is All Too RealMany moviegoers will see themselves, and their stress, in the characters of The Company Men, a movie about unemployed executives starring Ben Affleck, Chris Cooper and Tommy dem wind abgewandte seite Jones.During the Great Depression (as opposed to the one we just narrowly avoided), the movies offered brief escape from troubles and woes. Watching Fred and Ginger glide across the screen was enough to put a smile on world-weary faces, if only for a little while.The Company Men, which stars Ben Affleck, Chris Cooper and Tommy Lee Jones, not only wont put you in a better mood, it will zap you into the reality of the still-sluggish economy and the instability of the job market. Said one commenter on The Company Men page at, Why would I want to go to the movies just to see whats happening in real life around me? You go to the movies to escape real life and the stress that goes along with it.Indeed, many moviegoers will see themselves, and their stress, in characters whose work and lives have been pulled out from under them. Based on interviews TheLadders has done with career, psychology and family therapy experts, the characters varying responses are realistic and provide lessons in what to do - and not to do - when you are out of work and facing a possibly prolonged job search.The Company Men follows a year in the lives of three men who are laid off due to downsizing at a major company. The movie examines how being out of work affects the men, their families and their communities.This movie illustrates the increasing anxiety many job seekers feel as they struggle to first accept their situation and then proceed with what is often a grueling job search amid family and financial pressures. Experts say the gravity of this experience should not be underestimated.Its a big challenge to your capacity to adapt, just like a prolonged illness is a challenge or going through war is a challenge, said Mich ael Jolkovski, who has a doctorate in psychology and works as a psychologist and psychoanalyst in Falls Church, Va., and is a principal at Working Through, a consultancy focused on helping creative teams work effectively together.Indeed, as a job seeker faces rejection after rejection, anxiety can turn into konjunkturtief.We all feel stress, but the shift to anxiety or depression typically comes when you start to experience feelings of hopelessness, and some of the things you used to enjoy you no longer enjoy, said Kevin Skinner, who has a doctorate in marriage and family therapy and is an author and radio-show host. And so you shift gears from, Im going to make it through this - I dont know the answer, but Im going to make it through this, to, I dont know if were going to make it. One of the big mistakes the characters in The Company Men make is to deny - or even hide - the problem from the people closest to them. This can increase anxiety, say experts, because family members k now there is something wrong but cant help.Job seekers should talk to their families about the realities of todays economy and about how a job search can sometimes take a long time. It may be difficult for them to realize that you may not be able to get a job tomorrow and that it may take prolonged effort over an extended period of time to get the right job for you, said Sharon Reed Abboud, author of the book, All Moms Work Short-Term Career Strategies for Long-Range Success.Creative ThinkingAs with the characters in The Company Men, it can be very difficult to unwind from such a negative spiral. Experts say its important to take care of yourself, especially to eat right, exercise and get enough sleep. They also say it can be helpful to adopt an entrepreneurs mentality and to do some creative thinking.The mind has to change to the concept of, Its going to take me a while to find a job, said Skinner. Think, Its not a matter of if, but a matter of when I get that new job. And until t hen, Im going to be hitting up against a lot of rejection. Jolkovski agreed Its sort of like the entrepreneurs mentality, where people are doing something and the success is uncertain, he said. Just like certain salespeople - if they get a 1 percent response rate, then theyre doing well. They have to have the mentality to make 99 calls and say, Well, theres one more down, instead of saying, Oh, Ive been rejected 99 times. In addition, in todays market, your next job might not be the same as the one from which you were let go. Its important for job seekers to think creatively and be flexible.Try and flip it around as an opportunity, said Elizabeth Friedman, a clinical psychologist in New York. For people who are very successful, change is usually a very positive challenge and, potentially, a very exciting thing. To do a job thats a tiny bit different or even a lot different, but within your skill tischset in any case, thats kind of nice.The Company Men, which was directed by John We lls, is set for wide release in the United States in January 2011.

Monday, December 16, 2019

The State of Tech Hiring in Seattle

The State of Tech Hiring in SeattleThe State of Tech Hiring in SeattleTHE STATE OF TECH HIRING IN SEATTLEQ3 and Q4 2019TOP SKILLS IN IMMEDIATE DEMAND1. Cybersecurity2. Business intelligence3. ERP implementation4. Cloud security5. Cloud architectureOF TECHNOLOGY LEADERS SURVEYED 65% plan to expand their teams.30% plan to fill only vacant positions.92% say its challenging to find IT talent in their area.97% are confident in their companys prospects for growth.96% will bring on project-based IT employees. Below are the top reasonsConsultants are part of our hiring strategy 69%When theres a sudden vacancy 63%For especially busy times 47%When a skill does not exist internally 37%For unplanned, time-sensitive projects 34%Multiple responses allowed.TOP BUSINESS CONCERNS1. Maintaining security of IT systems2. Investing in new technologies3. Cloud projects/initiatives

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Friday, December 6, 2019

Choosing Good What Are Skills on a Resume

Choosing Good What Are Skills on a Resume Being a thriving project manager, delivering successful projects consistently, does not necessarily mean one is a thriving leader. You also have a better possibility of enjoying brief, productive meetings if theyre run through an experienced facilitator or chairman. The office environment isnt any different. What works very well for a single student in 1 family environment may not operate for one more. Identifying the skills that cause success in accounting will not merely improve your job satisfaction, but in addition allow it to be easier for you to construct towards your long-term career objectives. Hard skills lock you in specific occupation. Yes, if you would like to be invited for an interview. Proficiency denotes the quantity of energy necessary to use a parteicular tool. Skills are player attributes that are leveled up through the use of certain tools or actions. They can often be divided into domain-general and domain-spec ific skills. Communication skills are in quite high demand. Finally, having the ability to think as a programmer will allow you to grow to be a very good big data analyst. You may not enjoy the notion of a robot reading your kid to sleep, but your kid will love it. So as to learn social studies, science, and math, you will need to learn how to read. Soft skills are also known as transferable abilities, interpersonal abilities, or social skills. They are some of the most difficult competencies for people to understand. They are difficult to measure. They are the skills that apply to every job. For instance, you may want to incorporate a work sample demonstrating your competence in an important field of employer concern. You have to customize every letter to the particular needs of the organization and the particular demands of the position. A growing number of jobs need hybrid abilities, which are a mixture of soft and technical skills. Total information is found on QualHub. Getting the Best What Are Skills on a Resume From that point, you can build on your self confidence and self esteem until you are able to achieve goals that truly matter. There are a lot of situations in which you have to use interpersonal skills. Hard skills involve rules remaining the exact same no matter what business or circumstances a man or woman is in at any certain time. Interpersonal skills might also be particularly helpful in case you have to negotiate, persuade and influence others. Therefore, if you come to an interview, the absence of Soft Skills may be one reason you werent chosen for the job. Somebodys soft skill is a significant part their personal contribution to the success of an organization. The soft skills needed for a doctor, for instance, would be empathy, understanding, active listening and a great bedside manner. A lot of people feel rushed to react to questions and conversations immediately, but it is preferable to pause for a minute in consideration , especially in the event the question merits it. In the event you were interviewed by multiple individuals, record any practical info or particular concerns raised by every person. There are things you need to do after a job interview that could increase the likelihood of obtaining a second interview or landing a work offer. In addition, you should understand how to motivate people effectively and build a fantastic team.

Monday, December 2, 2019

How Do I Video Interview Shy Candidates

How Do I Video vorstellungsgesprch Shy CandidatesAs a hiring manager, its common to interact with and bewerberinterview extroverts, introverts, and sometimes a mix of the two. Its your job to be prepared to accommodate all kinds of personality types during an interview. Today we will be touching on how to use video interviewing for candidates with a shy personality. How can you tailor your interview questions and demeanor to make a shy candidate come out of their shell?One size does not fit all when it comes to your interviewing techniques. Many employers interview techniques are crafted for a more extroverted job seeker, causing them to completely overlook the possibility of encountering a more introverted candidate. Just because theyre shy doesnt mean they wont be great workers.Its a common misconception that introverted individuals are self-absorbed, but in reality, theyre usually more thoughtful and reflective than their extroverted counterparts. Introverts have a lot to offer th eir employers, whether its their exemplary listening abilities or their observational skills.Unfortunately, shy candidates dont always present their skills, talents, and abilities in the same way as other candidates, especially during a job interview, but the quiet types can be an asset to every workplace. This is where its important for the interviewer to modify their interview questions and responses to make certain shy candidates feel comfortable going above and beyond with their answers.Here are a few ways to help shy candidates open up during a video interviewUtilize Spotlight InterviewsShy candidates tend to take a bit more time to warm up in a job interview. With that being said, take advantage of a spotlight interview when beginning the job interview process with any candidate. A spotlight interview will allow you to send out a few interview questions for the candidate to answer in their own place, on their own time (although you still set a final deadline, of course).This m ethod lets the shyer candidates feel more comfortable and allows them to create more effective and moving responses to your interview questions. This interview will act as a great preparation for the candidate if they are qualified to move ahead in the interview process.Generate a ConversationWhile fruchtwein introverts wouldnt normally boast about their abilities, many do much better talking about themselves in an interview setting that is conversational. Reduce the introverted interviewees nervousness by formatting the job interview as a conversation rather than an interrogation. This will allow the candidate to come out of their shell and answer your questions with more direct confidence and fervor that might not otherwise be easily expressed.Ask Them About Their Work StyleWhile this a rather common interview question, its important to pay special attention when prompting an introvert to answer. When it comes to their style of work, many introverts often find out all too late tha t the company theyre working for just doesnt match up with their personal work style.Preface work styles early in the conversation to get a deeper look into how the candidate handles tasks, interactions, and management responsibilities- and whether or not their answers fit with your company style. Its also important to let introverts express confidence in their unique work style.Focus the Interview Questions on Specific AchievementsShy candidates dont wear their accomplishments on their sleeves. As an interviewer, it might be harder for you to truly evaluate their achievements without directly asking about them. Format questions so the interviewee is prompted to give more information about their specific tasks, achievements, and anything else that digs deeper into their experiences.Take the time and preparation to effectively accommodate all kinds of candidates during the job interview process. Remember to stay conversational, focus on achievements, and learn about a candidates pers onal work style.What are some tactics youve used to get shy candidates to open up during a job interview? Share in the comments